LearnArithmeticWord problems

Problem set 1
Problem set 1.5
Problem set 2
Problem set 3
Problem set 4
Problem set 5
Problem set 6
Problem set 7
Problem set 8

Problem set 1

  1. There are 42 chairs and 12 tables in a room. I like to arrange them in groups so that all groups have equal number of chairs and tables. What is the biggest number of groups I can form? When I form such groups, how many chairs and tables would there be in each group?
  2. There are three ropes. Their lengths are 24 inches, 48 inches and 60 inches respectively. We like to find a stick to measure them, and we can measure the ropes using only complete lengths of a stick. What is the longest stick that can be used to measure the three ropes?
  3. Two kids run on a track. The kids take 4 minutes and 6 minutes to complete a lap on the track respectively. One morning, they both started to run from the start line at the same time, and they decided to stop when they both reach the line at exactly the same time. How many laps will the first kid have to run before they stop?
  4. Isabel has 126 pencils, 84 candies and 30 balls that she likes to distribute into bags such that all bags have equal number of pencils, equal number of candies and equal number of balls. She also wants to make sure each bag has at least 10 balls. What is the biggest number of bags she can make?
  5. Three families in a neighborhood are good friends. The first family visits a local park once every three days, the second family visits the same park once every four days and the third family visits the same park once every five days. They all happen to be at the park on one Monday. On what day, would all of them meet at the park next time?

Problem set 1.5

  1. Jake’s mom bought 66 candies from store and gave two-thirds to Jake. How many candies did Jake get?

Problem set 2

  1. A drill crew in trying to reach a well 150 ft under ground. So far, they have drilled two-thirds of the way down. How many feet do they have to drill further?
  2. Saagar has a certain number of collectible coins. His younger brother has 119 less number of coins than him. His brother has 201 coins. How many coins does Saagar have?
  3. There are 99 stairs in a building. Jane has come up a certain number of stairs. To get to the top of staircase, she has to go up twice as many stairs as she has already done. How many stairs does Jane have to go up?
  4. I have a yard that is 172 square feet in area. I made a vegetable garden in a portion of it, and filled the remaining portion of the yard with bushes. My vegetable garden is made of patches each of area 8 square feet. In the portion with bushes, I have 11 bushes, and each bush occupies 4 square feet. How many patches do I have in my vegetable garden?
  5. I have 16 dollars and 80 cents with me. I like to buy candy bars for Halloween. Each candy bar costs 1 dollar 20 cents. How many candy bars can I buy?

Problem set 3

  1. During a hurricane relief, 33 tonnes of grain were required to support an affected neighborhood with 18000 families. How many tonnes of grain are required to support a neighborhood of 42000 families?
  2. 12 men are able to paint 3900 square feet of walls in a day. How many men are required to paint 900 square feet of walls in a day?
  3. 16 high school students are able to arrange books in a library in 5 hours. How many hours do 28 students need to arrange the library books?
  4. 16 high school students are able to arrange books in 30 bookshelves in one hour. How many bookshelves can 30 students arrange in one hour?
  5. A service organization stores food in their pantry . It estimates if the pantry is full, the food in there is sufficient to feed 36 people for 6 days. At one particular time, the organization is required to house 42 people. How many days would the food (from the pantry that is full) last feeding all the 42 people?
  6. To pave a 5600m long road in a day, it takes 24 machines. How many machines does it take to pave a 11900m long road in the same amount of time?
  7. It takes 24 machines 5 days to pave a road. How many machines are required to pave a similar road in 3 days?

Problem set 4

  1. It takes 5 days for 8 painters to paint the interior of a house. How many days would it take for 12 painters to paint the interior of a similar house?
  2. 8 backpacks cost \$25.00. How many backpacks could I buy with \$40.00?
  3. A landlord makes \$33000 per year by renting out 21 condo units.
    1. How much money will he make per year if he rents out 49 condo units?
    2. If he needs to make at least \$40000 per year, how many condos must he rent out?
  4. A car drives 121 miles on 5.5 gallons of gas.
    1. How many miles can be driven on 7.5 gallons of gas?
    2. How many gallons of gas are required to drive 198 miles?
  5. A car going at 40 mph is able to cover a certain distance in 45 minutes. How much time will a car going at 72 mph take to cover twice that distance?
  6. Sam runs at 8mph, while Jack runs at 6mph. They both are running along the same loop in a park. What is the proportion of time taken by Sam to the time taken by Jack?

Problem set 5

  1. It takes 24 machines 5 days to pave a 5600m long road. How many machines does it take to pave a 12600m long road in 6 days?
  2. It takes 4 men 6 days to paint a 100 sq. ft wall. How many sq.ft of the wall can 3 men paint in 10 days?
  3. It takes 4 men 6 days to paint a 100 sq. ft wall. How many days will it take 6 men to paint 75 sq. ft. wall?
  4. It takes 36 men 7 days to plant seeds in a 600 sq. ft. field. How many days does it take for 63 men to plant seeds in a 900 sq. ft. field?
  5. Marvin can mow a yard in 5 hours. If Marvin and Tim work together, they can finish the mow in 3 hours. If Tim works by himself, how long would it take for Tim to mow the yard?

Problem set 6

  1. In a class of 70 students, 40\% are girls. How many girls are in the class?
  2. At a party of 56 adults, 42 are wearing suit and tie. What percentage of the adults are wearing suit and tie?
  3. An online vendor guarantees that on a bulk order of tennis balls, less than 5\% will arrive damaged. If a recreation center makes a bulk order of 560 tennis balls, at least how many balls are guaranteed to be good?
  4. Natasha has 75 books, out of which 60 are non-fiction. What percentage of her books are fiction?

Problem set 7

  1. Ishmael owns a hardware store. He sold goods worth \$650,000.00 in a year. And, he made a profit of \$ 130,000.00 during the year. What was his percentage of profit during the year?
  2. In the year 2015, the average house price in a town was \$240000. From 2015 to 2020, the average house price went down by 10\%. What was the average price in the year 2020?
  3. John realized he paid a total sales tax of \$560.00 in a year. Sales are taxed in his region at 7\% of purchase price. What is the dollar amount that John spent on purchases during the year?
  4. Sam made \$80,000.00 in 2016. Of this amount, he was able to put 10\% in tax-exempt savings – that is, he did not have to pay taxes on 10\% of his income. After his savings, he had to pay a tax of 9\% on the remaining. What is the dollar amount of the tax that he had to pay?
  5. Jack and Jill gathered stones in the ratio 7:9. If together they piled up 128 stones, how many did Jill gather?
  6. Ratio of boys to girls in a class is 2:5. What percentage of the class are boys?
  7. A basket has apples and oranges. Ratio of apples to oranges is 3:6. What percentage of the basket are the oranges?
  8. Sandra got one-third of a bag of candies, and Nicholas got one-fourth the bag. The remaining candies were left in the bag. What percentage of the original number of candies were left?

Problem set 8

  1. I went to a store buy 5 pounds of cut fruit. The store sold fruit in boxes each having four-fifth of a pound. How many boxes must I buy?
  2. A cake was divided among Amy, Mano and Julia. Amy got one-fifth of the cake, while Julia got two-third of the cake. What fraction of cake did Mano get?
  3. A dealership has green cars and gray cars in its inventory. 25\% of cars were green. Because of high demand for green cars, the dealership added as many green cars as it currently had to its inventory. What percentage of cars are now green?
  4. Four numbers are such that the ratio of the first to the second number is 3:2, the ratio of the second to the third number is 5:4 and the ratio of the third to the fourth number is 7:3. What is the ratio of the first number to the fourth number?
  5. In a bin, there are red, green and blue balls. The ratio of the number of red balls to green balls is 4:5, the ratio of the green balls to blue balls is 7:8. The total number of balls in the bin is 309. How many green balls are there in the bin?