LearnCalculusApplications of Definite Integrals

Areas and volumes of regular figures


Problem set

  1. You are given a circle of a radius r. Express the area as a definite integral.
  2. There is a hemisphere of radius r placed horizontally on the floor. Write volume of the hemisphere as a definite integral.
  3. There is a cone whose base has radius r and whose height is h. Write volume of the cone as a definite integral.
  4. There is a square pyramid whose square base has side s and whose height is h. Write volume of the pyramid approximately as a Riemann sum.

Areas enclosed by curves


Problem set

In each of the following problems, find the area of the region enclosed.

  1. y = x^2, x=-2, x=2, y=0
  2. y = \cos x, x=-\frac{\pi}{2}, x=\frac{\pi}{2}, y=0
  3. y = \frac{1}{x}, x=1, x=e, y=0
  4. y = \sec^2 x, x=-\frac{\pi}{4}, x=\frac{\pi}{4}, y=0
  5. y = \tan^2 x, x=-\frac{\pi}{4}, x=\frac{\pi}{4}, y=0

Problem set

In each of the following problems, find the area of the region enclosed.

  1. y = 2(x-3)^2+1, x=2, x=4, y=0
  2. y = (x-3)(x+1), x=-1, x=2, y=0
  3. y = \frac{4}{x+1}, y = x-2, y = 0, x=0

Problem set

In each of the following problems, find the area of the region enclosed.

  1. y = \sin x, x=\frac{\pi}{3}, x=\frac{2\pi}{3}, y=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}
  2. y = \cos x, x=-\frac{\pi}{4}, x=\frac{\pi}{4}, y=1
  3. y = (x-2)(x+2), x=-3, x=3, y=6

Problem set

In each of the following problems, find the area of the region enclosed.

  1. y = x, y=x^2
  2. y = x^2, y=x^3
  3. y = \sqrt{x}, y=x^3
  4. y = x^2-2, y = 2-x^2
  5. y = (x-2)^2+1, y=-(x-3)^2+2

Problem set

In each of the following problems, find the area of the region between the curves given.

  1. y = \sin x, y = \cos x, 0\le x\le \frac{\pi}{4}
  2. y = \sin^2 x, y = 2\sin x, 0 \le x \le \pi
  3. y = \sin x, y = \csc^2 x, \frac{\pi}{4} \le x\le \frac{3\pi}{4}
  4. y = \cos^2 x, y = 2\cos x, \frac{\pi}{2} \le x \le \frac{3\pi}{2}
  5. y = \cos x, y = \sec^2 x, \frac{3\pi}{4} \le x \le \frac{5\pi}{4}

Problem set

In each of the following problems, find the area of the region enclosed.

  1. y = e^x, y = 2x+2, 0 \le x \le 1
  2. y = e^x, y = (e-1)x+1

Problem set

In each of the following problems, find the area of the region enclosed.

  1. x = (y-4)^2, x = 2.
  2. x = y^2 - 2, x = 2 - y^2.
  3. y = \sqrt{2x}, x+y = 4

Problem set

In each of the following problems, find the area of the shaded region.

Volumes of solids of revolution


Problem set

For each of the following, find the volume of the solid obtained by revolving the given curve about the given axis of revolution.

  1. y = \sqrt x,\,0 \le x \le 4, \mbox{ Axis of revolution: }X\mbox{-axis}

Curve lengths and surface areas of solids of revolution


Problem set

  1. Assume f(x) is a function whose derivative f'(x) is continuous. Express the length of the curve y=f(x) from x=a through x=b as a definite integral. Derive (jusitfy) your expression.
  2. Assume f(x) is a function whose derivative f'(x) is continuous in [a,b]. Express the surface of the solid generated by revolving y = f(x) about the X-axis as a definite integral. Derive (jusitfy) your expression.
  3. Find the length of the curve y = \frac{2}{3} x^{3/2}, 0 \le x \le 1.
  4. Find the volume of the solid obtained by revolving y=\sqrt{x}, 0\le x \le 1 about the the X-axis.

Acceleration, Velocity and Distance


Problem set

  1. Assume velocity of a particle as a function of time is given by the functions \frac{1}{2}t^2+2t+5.

    1. Express the distance traveled by the particle between time units 10 and 100 approximately as a Riemann sum.
    2. Express the distance as a definite integral.
  2. The velocity of an object moving along X-axis is given by v(t) = 3t^2-4t+1, where t is time in seconds. The object is at x = 2 initially.

    1. Model the displacement of the object from its initial position as a Riemann sum.
    2. Determine the object’s position after 4 seconds.
  3. The velocity of an object moving along X-axis is given by v(t) = t-4, where t is time in seconds. The object is at x = 1 initially.

    1. Model the displacement of the object from its initial position as a Riemann sum.
    2. Determine the object’s position after 6 seconds.
    3. Model the total distance traveled by the object as a Riemann sum.
    4. Determine the distance traveled by the object in 8 seconds.
  4. The velocity of an object moving along X-axis is given by v(t) = |t-2|-1, where t is time in seconds. The object is at x = 1 initially.

    1. Model the displacement of the object from its initial position as a Riemann sum.
    2. Determine the object’s position after 6 seconds.
    3. Model the total distance traveled by the object as a Riemann sum.
    4. Determine the distance traveled by the object in 4 seconds.
  5. The velocity of an object moving along X-axis is given by v(t) = \csc^2 \left(t+\frac{\pi}{4}\right) - 1, where t is time in seconds. The object is at x = 1 initially.

    1. Model the displacement of the object from its initial position as a Riemann sum.
    2. Determine the object’s position after \frac{\pi}{2} seconds.
    3. Model the total distance traveled by the object as a Riemann sum.
    4. Determine the distance traveled by the object in \frac{\pi}{2} seconds.
  6. The velocity of an object moving along X-axis is given by v(t) = \pi\sqrt{2}\sin \pi (t+0.25), where t is time in seconds. The object is at x = -1 initially.

    1. Model the displacement of the object from its initial position as a Riemann sum.
    2. Determine the object’s position after 3.5 seconds.
    3. Model the total distance traveled by the object as a Riemann sum.
    4. Determine the distance traveled by the object in 4 seconds.

Problem set

  1. The acceleration of an object moving along X-axis is given by a(t) = 2t, where t is time in seconds. The object’s initial position and initial velocity are x = 1 and 3 meter per second respectively.
    1. Model the velocity of the object as a Riemann sum.
    2. Determine the object’s velocity after 2 seconds.
    3. Determine the object’s position after 4 seconds.
  2. The acceleration of an object moving along X-axis is given by a(t) = t-4, where t is time in seconds. The object’s initial position and initial velocity are x = 1 and -2 meter per second respectively.
    1. Model the velocity of the object as a Riemann sum.
    2. Determine the object’s velocity after 8 seconds.
    3. Determine the object’s position after 8 seconds.

Problem set

  1. Velocity graphs
  2. Assume the acceleration because of gravity is 9.8 \mbox{m/sec}^2. If an object is dropped from a building of height 196\mbox{m}, how long would the object take to hit the ground?
  3. Assume the acceleration because of gravity is 9.8 \mbox{m/sec}^2. If an object thrown into the air from the top of a building of height 196\mbox{m} with an initial velocity of 1.9\mbox{m/sec},
    1. What is the maximum height that the object reaches?
    2. What is the time it takes for the object to hit the ground?