LearnMath circlePrime numbers

Prime factorization and primality


Problem set

Find the prime factorization of the following numbers

  1. 1350

Problem set

For each of the following, answer if the number is prime or not.

  1. 73
  2. 383
  3. 1349
  4. 2309
  5. 2581

Some theory


Problem set

For each of the following, answer if what is given is true or not.

  1. a \mbox{ is a prime } \implies \forall 0 < b < a, \,\,a \bmod b \,\,\ne \,\, 0

Problem set

Prove the following.

  1. If a is a prime number and a \nmid b, then a and b are relatively prime.
  2. If p is a prime number and p\mid ab, then either p\mid a or p\mid b.
  3. If a\mid bc and a, b are relatively prime, then a\mid c.

Mersenne primes


Problem set

  1. What is the smallest composite Mersenne number?
  2. What is the smallest composite number of the form Mp = 2^p-1, p being a prime?
  3. How many Mersenne primes are known so far?
  4. What is the biggest known prime?

Problem set

Prove the following.

  1. If x^n-1 is prime, then x = 2.
  2. If 2^n-1 is prime, then n is prime.